At Hilltop we love reading! We prioritise learning to read to make sure that all of our children develop a love of reading. By the time children leave Hilltop, they are fluent and accurate readers who comprehend and enjoy what they read.
They are confident in their ability to respond to a broad range of texts imaginatively, ask questions of what they read and read to further their learning across the curriculum. In their time at Hilltop, children will have developed a considerable ‘word-hoard’ which enables them to successfully access the academic code required in their later learning.
Our teachers at Hilltop promote the love of reading through reading high quality texts aloud to the class every day, enjoying poetry and getting excited about their own favourite books. To ensure that our children meet a wealth of diverse texts and authors, the books we read are mapped out on our reading spine so by the time pupils leave Year 6, they have had the very best possible start to their reading journey.
Around our school our love of reading is evident in our well stocked libraries and classroom book corners. Our teachers are experts at recommending books and know the power of a good book recommendation.
How do we teach reading?
We teach reading through three different strands -phonics (Read, Write, Inc), comprehension and fluency (whole class reading) and reading for pleasure (Accelerated Reader).
Please click on the links below to see what the teaching of reading looks like at Hilltop.