Remote Learning

Home Learning Links

At Hilltop children are set home learning on a weekly basis. This will be an opportunity to practise the learning covered that week in school in English and Maths lessons as well as the wider curriculum.

Each child has a reading book matched to their phonics level (RWI) or reading age (Accelerated Reader). There is an expectation that they will read every evening and record their reading in their reading diary (KS1) or reading blog (KS2).

If you require further learning for your child, there are some useful links below.

White Rose Maths; online maths lessons covering all year groups

BBC Bitesize Daily; online lessons covering all year group and a range of subjects

Oak National Academy; online lessons covering all year groups and a range of subjects

Times Table Rock Stars; practice your times table and quick maths recall skills

TKAT Remote Learning Policy