All children at Hilltop Primary School have a right:
- To be safe
- To learn
- To be happy
Each member of our school community is respected for his/her individual worth and helped to achieve their full potential in a positive caring atmosphere, free from discrimination and prejudice.
We are a school that strives to provide an environment of:
- Aspiration
- Respect and openness
- Enablement for pupils to thrive
through the Hilltop values of:
- Being Kind
- Being Collaborative
- Being Independent
- Being Inquisitive
- Being Determined
- Being Aspirational
At Hilltop there are certain principles in which we believe:
- Good behaviour is recognised and praised.
- Sanctions are fairly and consistently applied by all adults in the school at all times.
- Parents will be involved at an early stage if there is a concern about their child’s behaviour.
- Home/school links are positively encouraged and parents are expected to work in partnership with the school to address unacceptable behaviour.