
Attendance Matters - Every Day Counts!

Our School strives for 100% attendance for all pupils, however we appreciate that children can be ill or have rare unavoidable absences for other reasons. Therefore our overall school target is at least 95% attendance.

The school day starts at 8.30am and ends at 3pm (EYFS, KS1) and at 3.10pm (KS2). School gates are opened at 8.15am and 2.45pm. Gates will be closed at 8.45 in the morning. The morning attendance register will be closed no later than 30 minutes after the start of each day.

Why is attendance important?

  • So children can keep on top of their learning and not fall behind
  • So children can form and maintain friendships and feel part of the school community
  • So children experience all of the opportunities that school has to offer
  • So children develop a strong work ethic and learn the importance of being aspirational.
  • So children have the best life chances


175 Non-school days a year -weekends and school holidays

190 school days each year

190 school days in each year

11-19 days absence

19+ days absence

100% -95% attendance

94% -90%


Less than 90% attendance


Best chance of success -gets your child off to a flying start


Less chance of success. Makes it harder to progress. Action will be taken


Persistent absence will affect your child’s progress.

Action will be taken

As a school, we do not authorise any holidays in term time. We will only authorise absence if there are exceptional circumstances. 

We will celebrate and reward good and improving attendance by displaying class achievements on classroom doors and shared in weekly celebration assemblies. Individual achievements are celebrated through class competitions, certificates and other events. We have our own attendance mascot who leads prize giving assemblies 3 times a year.

For further information on attendance please read:

Our Attendance Policy

Attendance and Sickness Booklet

Leave of Absence Form

Helping Parents Understand the Changes to Fines