Year 4 - Rockstar Day

Rockstar Day!

Dear Parents/Carers,

In Year 4, children will take part in a national statutory multiplication check. The check will
judge how well each child knows their multiplication tables up to 12x12. The check will be
taken each year by all Year 4 pupils. This multiplication tables check has been designed to
help ensure that children in primary school know their times tables up to 12 off by heart. As
well as being critical for everyday life, knowledge of multiplication tables helps children to
solve problems quickly and flexibly, and allows them to tackle more complex mathematics
later on in school. The results will be shared with us to help us best support the children.
The check will take place in the Summer term, in June.

As a way to get the children excited about their times tables, we will be introducing them to
an online platform, Times Tables Rockstars, by holding a Rockstar Day. This will take place on
Friday 14th February. We will be exploring the activities on the website and making
learning times tables fun and exciting! Children are encouraged to dress up like a rockstar
for the day! Please do not feel you need to spend lots of money on an outfit, this could be as
simple as jeans and a t-shirt, or even just some glasses, crazy hair, face paint or a DIY
guitar. There will be some ideas displayed on your child’s classroom window.

Yours sincerely,
The Year 4 team