Forest School - Cherry and Pear Class

What is Forest School?
Forest School is a unique way of building independence, self-esteem and a positive attitude towards learning in
children as they explore and experience the natural world for themselves.

Why is Forest School good for children?
● Beneficial for children who learn by 'doing'
● Children involved in Forest School become more responsible for their actions, can calculate risks better and
show improved self-confidence.
● A desire for learning is encouraged and transferred back to the classroom
● Forest Schools encourage children to become more active and healthy
● Children develop self-awareness
● Develop better communication skills
● Develop independence

What activities will they be doing?
● Shelter and bridge building
● Constructing and maintaining campfires
● Tracking games
● Observation challenges
● Woodland crafts

What do the children need to bring?
● A packed lunch
● Water bottle
● Suitable clothing for outdoor activities & uneven terrain (Clothing may get muddy e.g. walking boots or
trainers, warm clothes, a waterproof jacket and tracksuit trousers rather than jeans. Children must
wear long trousers and long sleeved tops)
● Long hair to be tied up

Children need to arrive at school dressed in normal school uniform but have appropriate clothes to change into.
They can be collected at the normal time.

With best wishes
Mrs Callis
Assistant Headteacher