School Calendar

Heathland Conservation day - Cedar Class

15th October 2024 09:30 - 15:00 Tilgate Park

Dear Parents,

On Tuesday 15th October, Cedar class have been invited to participate in a Heathland Conservation day at
Tilgate Park. There is no cost for this event.


This is a whole day event during school hours. We will return to school for the normal end of day pick up.
As this event is all day, the children will come to school wearing the clothes needed for the trip. They are likely
to get wet and muddy at the event.

What the children need to bring with them

● A small bag with a substantial packed lunch
● Plenty of water for the day
● Warm clothes - long sleeved top and trousers - jogging bottoms are preferable to jeans
● Waterproof jacket (and trousers if possible)
● Suitable footwear for weather/ground conditions. Suitable tread on soles and ankle support.
Boots are preferable.
● Hat if needed

What is Heathland Conservation?

The children have been invited to support a local Heathland Conservation project in which they will be involved
in supporting the clearance of a pathway at Tilgate Park for future use. As a school, we often discuss how we support our local community, land use and how we look after our local environment. As such, we feel that this is a really valuable opportunity for the children to learn about and get involved in looking after their local environment.

Activities the children will be involved in

This will be a very active day as the children will be involved in a range of activities which will include;
● Clearance of scrub (low growing bushes and weeds)
● Tree planting
● Pruning and cutting back shrubbery

Why is Heathland Conservation good for children?

● Beneficial for children who learn by 'doing'
● Children involved will become more responsible for their actions, can calculate risks better and show
improved self-confidence
● Children will contribute to their local community and take pride in their achievements
● Children develop self-awareness
● Develop better communication skills
● Develop independence

With best wishes
Mr Farndon Mrs Callis
Co-Headteacher Assistant Headteacher