
At Hilltop, we follow the Charanga scheme of music. The Charanga scheme ensures continuity and progression in musical knowledge and skills across the school. This scheme of work uses an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning. The interrelated dimensions of music are weaved through the units to encourage the development of musical skills. Each unit of work comprises of the strands of musical learning which correspond with the National Curriculum for music:

1. Listening and Appraising

2. Musical Activities

3. Performing

Music provision will also include

-Whole class Instrument lessons taught by peripatetic music teachers in Year 5

-Music extra-curricular clubs



At Hilltop, we believe it is really important that all of our pupils have opportunities to hear a range of live music. We enjoy taking part in workshops run by visiting musicians as well as hearing them play their instruments live.

Here is a video of a Year 4 workshop with the brilliant trio 'Ensemble Reza'

Take a look - it was lots of fun!


Subject Overview

PLease click here to see the music taught in each year group.

Progression in Core Knowledge and Skills

Please see here for a core and disciplinary knowledge progression:

Progression in core knowledge

KS1 progression disciplinary knowledge

KS2 progression in disciplinary knowledge


Knowledge Organisers

Our music knowledge organisers identify the core knowledge we expect all our children to know.

Music Knowledge Organisers


Subject Portfolio

Click here for a taste of the exciting Music curriculum taught at Hilltop Primary School